Steve Herbert
31 Mar

A summary of my coverage from January to March 2024. 

It has been a remarkably busy few months for me as I have sought to balance family caring duties* with the pressures of building my new business ready for the start of the 2024/25 financial year. 

Despite these dual challenges I continued to maintain a presence in my traditional areas of media expertise around health, wellbeing, and employee benefits. I also continued to deliver some topical and well-received keynote presentations.

A summary of just some of my media and presentation coverage is shown below:  

In addition, I also provided a keynote address to the Santé Group Spring Conference in March, and my Budget thoughts appeared across more than a dozen other websites. On LinkedIn I continue to be a recognised thought leader and designated “LinkedIn Top Voice” on HR and related issues. 

If you would like to achieve similar name or brand awareness in your area of expertise then please contact me for an in-confidence discussion as to how I can help you achieve this. My consultancy services are low-cost, practical, and (importantly) effective. 

Best regards 


Steve Herbert Communications & Presentation Skills Coach + Employee Benefits, Wellbeing, and Reward Expert 

*we are sadly facing some significant and serious health concerns at both ends of the family age range currently

* The email will not be published on the website.